Sustainability Tour with study visits



Sustainability in focus - Theme tour with site visits

Guided Tour with Site Visits: Malmö and Beyond
Malmö is becoming more eco-friendly and is investing in sustainable development. This makes the city a model for climate-smart solutions and renewable energy. Malmö also cares about biodiversity and focuses on social and economic sustainability.

AHa! Guide & Aktivitet offers educational and inspiring tours that include visits to places like Västra Hamnen, the Bo01 area, Hyllie, Norra Sorgenfri, Ekostaden Augustenborg, and Sege Park. Other interesting places to visit are Sysav's recycling facility and Kretseum. 

These tours allow visitors to see innovative projects in urban farming, solar energy, and circular economy. Malmö shows how modern city development can go hand in hand with caring for the environment and sustainability.

There is also a chance to combine a sustainability tour in Malmö with visits to Copenhagen, such as Nordhavn, Tåsinge Plads, Östergro rooftop farm, and Copenhill/Amager Bakke, or explore the new area of Brunnshög in Lund.